This article is for the many people who want to know what the minimum is they should do to keep their PC from getting infected and feel safe. First of all, realize that NO anti-malware program gives complete protection. This is especially true when users get fooled into clicking a box that gives permission for malware to install itself. Currently, all available paid and free Antivirus Suites only give 80-90% protection. So here are some processes you can put in place to improve your chances of keeping your PC clean:
WINDOWS UPDATES: Keeping Windows and all Microsoft programs up to date is the #1 most important protection from malware vulnerabilities
1. AUTOMATIC UPDATES: Be sure Windows Update is set to “Install Updates Automatically”.
2. MICROSOFT UPDATE: Be sure Windows Update is set up to include the “Microsoft Updates”. This updates all Microsoft programs and utilities (like Office, .Net).
3. MANUAL UPDATES: Manually run Windows Update from time to time to make sure any desired “Optional Updates” are installed.